Secure and Stable Fixation with Locking Proximal Femur Plate - Learn More

Sichuan ChenAnHui Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of medical devices in China, and we are proud to introduce our Locking Proximal Femur Plate. This innovative product offers an ideal solution for fractures of the proximal femur, which can occur due to various reasons including osteoporosis or trauma. Our Locking Proximal Femur Plate is designed to provide reliable fixation of the fracture, allowing early mobilization and reducing postoperative morbidity.

Made from high-quality materials, our Locking Proximal Femur Plate is easy to use and offers excellent biocompatibility. It features a locking mechanism that provides superior fixation to conventional fixation methods, leading to reduced complications and faster recovery times. Our product is available in a range of sizes and plate angles to suit varying patient needs. Our focus on product quality and innovation ensures that our Locking Proximal Femur Plate is a perfect choice for surgeons looking to offer the best possible outcomes for their patients. Contact us today to learn more about our Locking Proximal Femur Plate and other products we offer.
  • Introducing the Locking Proximal Femur Plate, a revolutionary product that is designed to provide reliable and efficient fixation for proximal femur fractures. The locking mechanism of this plate provides stability and helps to reduce the risk of malalignment while allowing for immediate weight-bearing post-surgery. The Locking Proximal Femur Plate is made of high-quality stainless steel, which ensures durability and strength required for successful fixation. Its unique design makes it suitable for different types of femur fractures, including subtrochanteric, intertrochanteric, and femoral neck fractures, among others. One of the key features of this plate is the locking mechanism, which is designed to provide superior fixation compared to conventional plates. The locking screws provide increased pull-out strength, making it suitable for a wide range of patients, including those with osteoporotic bones. The plate's anatomical design and the availability of different lengths and screw options make it easy to customize the plate for different patients, ensuring optimal results. The Locking Proximal Femur Plate is easy to use, and its intuitive design streamlines the surgical process, saving time and enhancing the surgeon's efficiency. Its compatibility with minimally invasive surgical techniques enables patients to recover faster and with minimal disruption to their daily routine. In summary, the Locking Proximal Femur Plate is a reliable, durable, and efficient fixation device that simplifies the surgical process, enhances patient outcomes and ensures a successful recovery for patients with proximal femur fractures.
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